Launch Apollo Studio

Get started with Kotlin

Add the Gradle plugin

In your app Gradle file, apply the com.apollographql.apollo plugin:

Using the plugins DSL:

plugins {
  // ...

Or using the legacy syntax:

buildscript {
  // ...

apply(plugin = "com.apollographql.apollo")

The plugin is hosted on the Gradle plugin portal, Jcenter and Maven Central.

Configure the plugin

apollo {
  // instruct the compiler to generate Kotlin models

Add the runtime dependencies

dependencies {
  // The core runtime dependencies
  // Coroutines extensions for easier asynchronicity handling

Download your schema.json file

Apollo Android requires your GraphQL server's schema as a schema.json file. You can obtain the contents of this file by running an introspection query on your server.

Note: If you don't have a GraphQL server yet, you can use the server from the tutorial: https://apollo-fullstack-tutorial.herokuapp.com/graphql.

The Apollo Gradle plugin exposes a downloadApolloSchema task to help you obtain your schema. Provide this task your server's GraphQL endpoint and the output location for the schema.json file:

./gradlew downloadApolloSchema \
  --endpoint="https://your.domain/graphql/endpoint" \

If your GraphQL endpoint requires authentication, you can pass custom HTTP headers:

./gradlew downloadApolloSchema \
  --endpoint="https://your.domain/graphql/endpoint" \
  --schema="app/src/main/graphql/com/example" \
  --header="Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Add your query

  1. Create a directory for your GraphQL files: src/main/graphql/com/example/
  2. Add your schema.json to the directory: src/main/graphql/com/example/schema.json
  3. Put your query in a .graphql file, next to the schema: src/main/graphql/com/example/LaunchDetails.graphql
query LaunchDetails($id:ID!) {
  launch(id: $id) {
    mission {
  1. Build your project, this will generate the model

Execute your query

You use an instance of the ApolloClient class to interact with your server and cache.

To make a query using your generated models:

// First, create an `ApolloClient`
// Replace the serverUrl with your GraphQL endpoint
val apolloClient = ApolloClient.builder()

// in your coroutine scope, call `ApolloClient.query(...).toDeferred().await()`
scope.launch {
  val response = try {
    apolloClient.query(LaunchDetailsQuery(id = "83")).toDeferred().await()
  } catch (e: ApolloException) {
    // handle protocol errors

  val launch = response.data?.launch
  if (launch == null || response.hasErrors()) {
    // handle application errors

  // launch now contains a typesafe model of your data
  println("Launch site: ${launch.site}")

What's next

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